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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

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  • We have renamed our houses!

    Fri 28 Sep 2018 Mrs Mullord

    The first act of the school council has been to rename our Houses. We had lots of great suggestions such as: authors, predators, actors and sea creatures. But the team voted on 'significant places in our local area'. So our houses are now called: Stonehenge, Wilton House, Sarum Castle and Salisbury Cathedral.

    Great work everyone!
