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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Hawking Class

Welcome to our Term 6 topic...How can we live more sustainably? 

Stone Age!

Welcome to Scrumdidiliumptious - our topic is all things delicious.

Knowledge Organiser

Writing tips from Samuel J Halpin

After gifting the school a class set of the not-yet-available-in-shops "Peculiar Peggs of Riddling Woods," Samuel J Halpin has gone one step further and sent the children of Shrewton Primary some top tips for writing! Excellent ideas, these tools for writing are all the more powerful as they come from a professional writer!

Not available in stores... yet!

Shrewton ahead of the game!

Alchemy Island awaits your arrival in September!

What is the topic 'Alchemy Island' all about?

We're all going to... Alchemy Island. Check out the recommended book list, fun home activities ideas and explanatory letter!

2018 Spelling Bee Champion Crowned!

Bones on a beach


Under the transparent sky, the evily stained bones of a sluggish creature lay.

In the dark, I screamed “Are you plotting some murder?”


It had teeth as sharp as razors, a tail as old as the 9000s and an evil, toothy grin.

“Do you still slumber?” I quaveringly questioned.


Like a swift sword, the great sinkhole has been destroying it for years.

“What are those spears from?” I questioned anxiously.


As I studied the bones, I found a stinking lump of flesh.


By William A


Powerful writing coming to fruit!

There's still time! Go and buy the first book published by Kestrel!

Why not read the journey tale your child has been learning in class?


From this basic shape of journey tale, Kestrel have innovated countless other tales which take you to distant lands.

But this is where it started. 


Long ago, an unlucky farmer lived by the curved, muddy shores of the Nile (where you should be able to grow anything!) However, every crop he planted died. When he planted corn, merciless floods would wash it away. If he planted barley it would wilt, wither and perish under the arid sun before his tear-filled eyes. Planting wheat in the thick, black soil, he would wait and watch before… locusts would swoop down like a hungry cloud; devouring every grain.


One day, surrounded by lifeless pomegranates, the unlucky farmer sank to his lumpy knees (digging his fingers into the dusty soil) and yelled “Why am I so unlucky and what can be done about it?” Swiftly deciding he needed answers, the unlucky farmer leapt into his small burgundy boat and headed off downstream looking for somebody wise.


Unfortunately, around the next meander the unlucky farmer met a gargantuan, sly crocodile relaxing in the Nile’s cool water. “He looks wise,” thought the unlucky farmer. “Why am I so unlucky and what can be done about it?” questioned the farmer quaveringly. With a slow, lazy voice the crocodile replied “That I don’t know, but if you find somebody wiser than me do ask them why I am always hungry and what can be done about it.” Hurriedly paddling away, the unlucky farmer promised he would (although he secretly wasn’t hopeful of finding an answer). Further downstream – where a tributary joined the Nile – the unlucky farmer spotted a towering palm tree with one withered branch. “He looks wise,” thought the unlucky farmer. “Why am I so unlucky and what can be done about it?” questioned the farmer boldly. With a deep, woody voice the palm tree replied “That I don’t know, but if you find somebody wiser than me do ask them why my branch is withering and what can be done about it.” Hurriedly paddling away, the unlucky farmer promised he would (although he secretly wasn’t hopeful of finding an answer). Later that day, he spotted a gorgeous young woman weeping bitterly on the West bank of the Nile. “She looks wise,” thought the unlucky farmer. “Why am I so unlucky and what can be done about it?” questioned the farmer quietly. With a tearful voice the woman replied “That I don’t know, but if you find somebody wiser than me do ask them why I am so terribly lonely and what can be done about it.” Sadly paddling away, the unlucky farmer promised he would (although he secretly wasn’t hopeful of finding an answer). Finally, at the Nile delta the unlucky farmer spotted Anuket (goddess of the Nile). “She looks wise,” thought the unlucky farmer. “Why am I so unlucky and what can be done about it?” questioned the farmer respectfully.


Luckily, with a beautiful, kind voice Anuket replied “That I do know. You are not unlucky, your fortune is out there. Go and find it!” Before he left, Anuket answered all his questions. Struggling back upstream, the unlucky farmer shouted his thanks as he left. Hours later, he arrived at the gorgeous, weeping woman and spluttered “I know why you feel so terribly lonely. You should marry. Ask the first handsome man you see to marry you.”

“You look handsome. Won’t you marry me?” pleaded the weeping woman.

“Sorry, my fortune is out there, I must go,” replied the farmer as he paddled away. Hours later, he arrived at the towering palm tree and spluttered “I know why your branch is dying. Tangled amongst your roots, a treasure chest is buried. Ask the first strong man you see to dig it up and your branch will recover.”

“You look strong. Won’t you dig up the treasure?” pleaded the palm tree.

“Sorry, my fortune is out there, I must go,” replied the farmer as he paddled away. Hours later, he arrived at the gargantuan, sly crocodile and spluttered “I know why you’re always hungry. You should eat. The first tasty man you see… eat him!”

“You look tasty,” answered the crocodile. So he did.


In the end, Anuket shook her head in disbelief.

Dear Parents and guardians,

Happy New Year and welcome to our new term which will focus on rivers and mountains. Before going any further, I must thank all the wonderful, kind families that were so generous to me at Christmas. Your cards, gifts and warm words were most thankfully received.


Homework will continue to be given out on a Friday and can be handed in any time up until the Thursday (the earlier the better!) In the homework you will find the spelling test that your child has taken on the Friday and you should be able to celebrate their 100% success in this. Please also remember to read each day and sign the reading record.


In maths this term we delve further into multiplication and division. Those who have not learnt their times tables and really beginning to suffer! Please do make every effort to reinforce this skill at home by learning times tables. Consider that after multiplication and division we will move onto fractions which again rely on that times table knowledge.


In science we will be investigating sound and electricity, so would welcome any old margarine pots (or similar container) with which to make simple stringed instruments. Or indeed you may work in this field of science and be keen to come and give a class talk. On that subject, we always welcome volunteers who wish to come and hear readers, help with times tables or can offer some other sort of assistance. Just let me know.


Swimming has sadly come to an end and as a result PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays this term. Also, Mrs Anderson will be taking the class on Wednesday afternoons for French and RE.


As ever, should you have any questions, queries, suggestions or just need to pass on some information, Kestrels door is always open and I’m around after school most days. Do come can talk should you feel the need.


Kind regards,


Mr Halton

Spring Term Topic - Mountains and Rivers!

Welcome back to a new school year. It is lovely to have joined Kestrel class. We will be learning all about the Romans this term and in science we will be studying states of matter. What do you already know?


Firstly, homework will be given on a Friday with a hand in deadline of the Thursday. Please remember to read every day and record this in your reading record. Spellings will be tested weekly and every child is given their spelling scores to take home on a Friday. 


Finally, if you have any questions, thoughts or just need to let me know something important, do come and find me after school.


Kind regards,


Mr Halton

Kestrel Class Showcase
