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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Latest News

Find out what is happening in school!

  • BINGO!!

    Fri 27 Feb 2015
    Bingo is coming to Shrewton School Hall on the evening of the 27th Feb.  Come along and have fun and maybe win a wonderful prize! Details to follow.
  • Pizza! Pizza!

    Thu 12 Feb 2015

    A big well done and thank you to our terrific young chefs!! Fabulous pizzas this evening - yum, yum!



  • British Heart Foundation COFFEE MORNING

    Fri 06 Feb 2015
    In support of the British Heart Foundation, a coffee morning will be held at 'Downslea' on Tanners Lane.  Kick-off at 9.30am.  A worthy cause and a great excuse to eat cake!!
  • PARKING! (Updated)

    Wed 04 Feb 2015

    Please can I ask for consideration, patience and tolerance to be shown to all and by all using Tanners Lane at drop-off and pick-up times.  We are working on a solution to the inadequate parking facilities for parents and I will let you know of the outcome to our meeting on Tuesday 3rd.  Many thanks, Mr. R.


    This meeting; attended by myself, Chris Smith (our Chair of Governors), three members of the Parish Council and representatives from Wiltshire Police; was both informative and highly productive.  We looked at both long and short-term solutions to the issue and have arrived at a strategy which, it is hoped, will alleviate the problem for both residents and parents.  The wheels of Local Government run slow, however, and this stratgey will take time.  It was agreed that any solution needs to provide for safe space for children to be taken into school while at the same time catering for the residents right of free and safe pedestrian access to Tanners Lane.

    Could I please take this opportunity to ask for patience and kindness to be shown by all who need to use this space towards others who wish to do the same.  If you feel that you have to use the pavement to park as there is nowhere else, please could you not obstruct all of it but leave enough space for a push-chair to pass?  And if 'pavement parking' annoys you please do not make a mountain out of a molehill - it is not (as my daughter might say) a 'biggie.'


    Mr. R.
