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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Year 2 & 3

Welcome back for Term 6 in Eagle Class and I hope you all had a good break. We have a very busy term in front of us - we will be thinking about the Olympics taking place later in the year and learning facts about the history of The Games.


Our PE days are still Thursday and Friday so please ensure your children have their PE kits in school - this term they will be doing athletics with the external PE coaches but will not be able to participate if they are not wearing their PE kit. Hopefully most of the lessons will take place outside so your child needs to have suitable outdoor wear such as tracksuit bottoms and trainers. Long hair needs to be tied up.


It is important that book bags are in school everyday so Mrs Mitchell and I can read with your children and assess whether their reading book is the right one for them. Although children can often read the words in a book, it is also important that they understand what they are reading and again this is an aspect we are concentrating on this term.


Spellings will still be given out on a Friday and will be tested in school the following Thursday. Please help your child to learn their spellings as this helps them greatly when they are doing independent writing. This term we will be looking at particular spelling patterns.


As before, I am in the classroom most afternoons (apart from Wednesday) if anyone needs to see me. You can just pop in or make an appointment with the office if this is easier.


Mrs Cook




Eagle Class Summer Topic Web

Eagle Class Spring Topic Web

Eagle Class celebrating the Queen's 90th birthday

This term we have been learning about the four countries of the United Kingdom - where they are located in relation to each other, their capital city, the seas surrounding the UK and we have sampled some of their traditional foods. For homework, the children were asked to research one of the four Patron Saints and as you can see, we had some fantastic projects.

Patron Saints Homework Projects

Experiencing the Sounds of Easter with The Bridge Project

Designing pirate flags and maps

Eagle Class visit to the day centre

Owl Pellets and Professor Hoot!

Our visit to the allotments!
