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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Year 1

Maths Games using Position and direction and Lowry art - fun creating collages with our wax rubbings.

Addtiton and Subtraction Treasure Hunt

Fruits of the Spirit

Still image for this video

Learning about Life Processes

Still image for this video
Find out how we remember the 7 life processes that all living things - animals and plants have. We have even invented some actions to help us remember them. There was quite a lot of laughing with our learning today!

Animal Taboo cards- Much hilarity in Eagle class today! :)

As part of our Living Landscape Topic, we have been learning a song in Science that teaches us about the process of Photosynthesis. Here's the link to the music and the word document of the words to practice 


Photosynthesis song

Click on the music player to sing along!

Photosynthesis song

Painting like Monet and Clay Flower Sculptures

Scientific Enquiry - How do seeds grow?

Observational Drawings and painting of flowers

Sketching flowers outside.....careful observations!

Eagle Class updates!

Check out all of your new books on Bug club!

Here's the link! I wonder which books will come up next! :)



Timetable change - Eagle class now have PE on Monday afternoon, please remember full PE kit next week. Thanks! 

Get Caught reading - remember to find an unusual place to read and take a photo to display in our new library!


We have been writing poems based on Roger McGough's poem...The Sound Collector. 

We listened to him actually read this poem online. (I will put this web link on our links page)


Charles has typed his brilliant poem up on here for you all to read! Watch this space for more wonderful writing!


The Sound Collector Came to School.

A stranger came this morning

Dressed in green and white

Put every sound into a rucksack

And put it on a bike

The locking of the door

The ticking of the clock

Going tick tock!

    The talking of the teacher

The children shout Hooray!

We’re going out to play!


The whistling of the fire bell

The screaming of the year six

 Wow, my feet do smell!

    A stranger came this morning

Dressed in green and white

He didn’t leave his name

He only left us silence

Life would never be the same.

By Charles



Latest News from Kite and Eagle Class!

WOW ! What an exciting start to our week! Who would have thought a spacecraft could have crashed on our front playground? Furthermore, what excellent timing.....just as we embark on our new topic 'To infinity and Beyond'!

In Eagle class, we have been busy learning about the planets and solar system, with a sensory lesson to understand what the atmosphere and physical properties of the planets. 

In Kite class, we have been making collages of aliens after being inspired by our exciting space morning. Both classes really enjoyed the experience of a visiting planetarium on Monday.  I am really looking forward to reading some of the amazing stories from this week! 

In maths we have been learning how to estimate and use < > and = . We have been counting and grouping in 2's 5's and 10's to make it easier to count large numbers of objects.  Try singing and dancing to our counting songs at home! (see web links)

'Ben 10' has been helping some of us to round numbers to the nearest 10. Please keep checking back to our page to see what we have been up to!

Home learning activities will be starting to come home this week. Please keep up the individual reading at home - read anything and everything! Comics, newspapers, TV guides, road signs and picture books! 


Thanks for your continued support...remember my door is always open! 




Welcome  to our Class Page! 

Our lovely class in the sun!

Our first week in Eagle class has been fantastic!

We have played team games, used water colours to paint our portraits and have made lots of models using Lego. We have also been retelling the story of The Tiger who came to Tea and have played maths games and we are looking forward to a fantastic year of learning and fun! 

‘Tiny Ted’ has had his first adventure and he is looking forward to many more, each evening. We  will write a diary about his after school activities to improve our sentence writing skills and phonic knowledge and confidence. 

This page will be updated regularly with photos, web links and topic information, please keep checking.

Space ship Jam song!

It will drive you potty...but here's the music!

Lyrics to Spaceship Jam song
