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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Year 1

Welcome to Kite Class

Term 6

We are continuing with our topic The Olympics and looking at the History of the Olympics and the changes over the years. As it is held in Rio this year, we will research the famous landmarks of Rio and surrounding areas and write up our findings.


In Science we will be looking at more seasonal changes as we move into hotter weather (hopefully). We will be investigating the animal kingdom and looking at food chains, adaptions and variations.


In English we are studying the characters of James and the Giant Peach and will write our own Fantasy story. We will be looking at the differences between the book and the film adaptation and use of language by the fantastic Roald Dahl.


PE is continuing on a Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit with trainers for outside and please label each item.


As the weather is getting hotter, please make sure your child has a sunhat to wear for when we are outside.


Many thanks


Mrs Billington




Term 6 Topic Web

Term 5

Our topic for the summer terms is the Olympics and in term 5 we will be looking at the history of Toys and Games. We will be researching how toys have changed over the years and the materials that they are made of and games that were popular in the Victorian times.


In Science we will be looking at seasonal changes as Spring moves into Summer and how our environment changes. We will be growing plenty of seeds in our garden and checking on progress.


PE is on a Monday and Thursday and children will require outdoor trainers to practise our athletic skills.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Billington 

Term 5 Topic Web

Can we blow up a balloon without a puff of air?

Can we make a tornado in a bottle?

Can we use soap to move our boat?

Looking for and recording wild flowers in our school grounds

We used what we could find around us to make our lovely flower pictures. It became a bit tricky later as the wind started to blow!

Making 3D shapes, naming them and stating how many faces they have.

Term 4

We have set sail again and find ourselves drifting amongst giant icebergs. We will explore this strange land and search for animals to record in our fact files. We may need a better boat to get back home so we will research Isambard Kingdom Brunel to help us.


PE this term is multi-skills and tag rugby and our days are Monday and Thursday. Please bring a PE kit in with everything you need.


Please bring your Reading Book bag in each day with your reading books. Reading books are changed Monday and Thursday and please sign the reading book.


Spellings are now going home on a Friday with the test on the following Friday. Please bring your spelling book in on Friday for new spellings.


Many thanks for your support.


Mrs Billington

Term 4 Topic Web

The Bridge sharing the Easter Story with us

Term 3

Our new topic for this term is Treasure Hunters. We will be following the journey of Christopher Columbus and finding ourselves shipwrecked along the way. Using our skills we will need to identify the different animals on our island and the animal group that they belong to. To keep us warm and dry we need to build a shelter that will withstand the weather and a boat to escape. A compass will show us the way home and clear instructions will help us with everything!


PE this term is dance and our days are Monday and Thursday. Please bring a kit in with everything you need.


Reading books are changed Monday and Thursday and please sign the reading card.


Spellings are now going home on a Monday with the test on Friday. Please bring your spelling book in on Friday.


Many thanks for your support.


Mrs Billington

Investigating maths

Making shelters for our Desert Island

Investigating animal families

Term 2

We are continuing with our topic Scrumdiddlyumptious but we are going overseas to Africa! We will be looking at chocolate in more detail - how it is grown, harvested and then sent around the world. We will be looking at Fairtrade and why it is important to the farmers. We will also be cooking with chocolate and tasting it!


In English we will be using the story Handa's Surprise to help us plan out a story and then write our own.


For our Switched on Science unit we are looking at Celebrations - Light and shadow. We will be looking at everyday materials, their uses and describing their properties. We will investigate light and shadow and make shadow puppets in D.T.


In art we will be looking at various packaging and designing our own packaging and advertising.


And of course Christmas activities! Great fun!!


PE has moved to a Wednesday afternoon and we continue with PE Thursday morning with our PE instructor. Please have your kit with everything named.


Keep up with the reading and practising the phonics!


Thanks for all your support.


Mrs Billington







Fabulous Nativity Story with our Storyteller visitor

Term 1


Our topic this term is Scrumdiddlyumptious - all about food.


We are concentrating on finding out where our food comes from and therefore we will be looking at farms.


The story The Little Red Hen has already helped us understand how bread is made and we have been using storyteller to help us retell the story.


We are looking at the artist Cezanne and his still life paintings of fruit and attempting our own.

The artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo made some amazing pictures out of fruit and vegetables - I wonder what our masterpieces will look like (and taste!)


Our reading books will be changed Monday and Thursday so please sign your child's reading card. Our PE sessions are on Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child has a full kit with trainers for when we go outside.


Thanks for your continuing support.


Mrs Billington

Class Teacher

Our first Praise Assembly singing Old MacDonald.

Our masks are great!

Ball skills
