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Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Reception/Year 1 - Hawk

Welcome to Reception/Year 1


A Big Hello from Hawk Class.

Our new topic this term is.......Minibeasts!


We have already had great fun drawing and painting different minibeasts.

Looking at information texts and then having a go at making our own as well as creating different habitats for them to live in in the water and sand.


We are currently looking after 10 worms who have made a home in our worm world and also have an ant planet to set up.


We have made beetles and all kinds of different bugs and are waiting for our paper mache bee's to dry so that we can paint them too.


Keep checking back to see what we have been up to.....

We have been working super hard this term and continuing our topic of 'Journeys around the World'.

We have looked at Australia, Canada and Nigeria.

We were lucky enough to be visited by two explorers and a pilot!! Wow - Everybody agreed it was BRILLIANT!
