Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy
Our aims
- Ethos: We are an inclusive school which places Christian values at the centre of its daily life
- Environment: We provide a safe, stimulating and sustainable environment
- Teaching: We have committed staff, who inspire children to enjoy all aspects of learning and to reach the highest standards
- Learning: With parents, we encourage children to develop skills and competencies to become life-long learners
- Community: We endeavour to be a happy place where there is respect, trust and support throughout the school and wider community
- Celebration: We promote a sense of self-worth, recognise achievement and celebrate successes
Statement of Intent
- As a caring, Christian School, at the heart of the community, we believe all children are equal. We recognise that not all disadvantaged children will be eligible for Free School Meals or have a parent in the armed forces.
- We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being vulnerable.
- Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals.
- Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.
- We will always ensure that the teaching and learning will meet the needs of all pupils, regardless of funding sources.
At Shrewton C of E Primary School, we have considered the range of support which could be offered at any point. These are;
- Additional Teaching Assistant Support in a classroom enabling teachers greater flexibility in targeting pupils needs.
- Providing small group work with an experienced teacher focussed on overcoming gaps in learning.
- Nurture Group facilities and specialist support including a trained child counsellor.
- 1-1 support.
- Additional resources such as IT equipment, reading books or more specialist resources.
- Additional out of hours learning resources including access to breakfast and after school club
- Support for educational visits and trips to enhance the curriculum opportunities available to all.
- All our work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress moving children to at least age related expectations. Initially this will be in speaking and listening, reading, writing and mathematics.
- Pupil premium resources may also be used to target able children on FSM to achieve more.
It will be the responsibility of the Headteacher, or a delegated member of staff, to produce regular reports for the Governors’ Curriculum Committee on:
- The progress made towards narrowing the gap, by year group, for socially disadvantaged pupils.
- An outline of the provision that was made since the last meeting.
- An evaluation of the cost effectiveness, in terms of the progress made by the pupils receiving a particular provision, when compared with other forms of support.
- It will be the responsibility of the Chairperson of the Curriculum committee to ensure this information is made known to the full governing body.
- The Governors of the school will ensure that there is an annual statement to parents on how the Pupil Premium funding has been used to address the issue of ‘narrowing the gap’, vulnerable pupils. This task will be carried out within the requirements published by the Department for Education.