At Shrewton our PSHE lessons enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We aim to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We believe our children should be able to talk openly and their questions are answered appropriately and honestly in a way that respects the diversity of cultures and families in our school. Pupils are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community, considering British values, Protected Characteristics and our school values of love, friendship, respect, kindness, responsibility, perseverance and forgiveness. This is also captured within our Personal Development Curriculum which supports our Character Education.
PSHE is taught through a structured framework called SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) at Shrewton. It is a comprehensive PSHE and Wellbeing programme which aligns with the National Curriculum and ensures schools meet statutory requirements. During each school year, the children will develop their understanding and skills, through a sequence of lessons which build on prior knowledge and experience to maximise learning for all children. For our Early Years children this is part of our Early Years Curriculum for PSED.
In addition to the statutory learning, the children at Shrewton participate in a range of exciting and interactive experiences, such as focussed learning days and visits from relevant members of the community. Learning is personalised to reflect the diverse issues our children are likely to encounter living in and around our local area.
The key areas covered are:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Myself Safe
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Being my Best
- Growing and Changing
A variety of strategies are used to measure the impact of PSHE at Shrewton Primary Academy:
- Regular feedback from marking and pupil voice
- Discussions with staff and pupils about behaviour and issues
- Subject monitoring including book scrutiny and lesson observation
- Comparisons between children's beginning and end of term assessments
- Analysis of half-termly class summative assessments
The school provides enhanced curriculum opportunities such as road safety training, cycling safety training, life education sessions, mental health awareness days, anti-bullying week, safer internet day, fire safety sessions, and visits from Paralympic athletes, healthcare professionals and other members of the local community for example a parent run careers week.
The document outlines the key learning objectives for PSHE in Years 1-6 at Shrewton Primary Academy in each of the main topic areas including key vocabulary for each phase.