Contact Details

Shrewton CE

Primary School

Powered by love; we believe, achieve, grow


I have for myself, for others and for community.


I am a good friend to everyone.


I can say sorry and show understanding when others make mistakes.


I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.


I don't give up and learn from my mistakes.


I treat others how I wish to be treated.


I am accountable for my actions and make good choices.

Celebration Gallery

More Parks class work!

Facts about the History of Electricity by Evie.

Fantastic Work from Parks Class this week!

What you can achieve in a week.

Charlie Time!

We're going on a bug hunt! Thank you to Zac, Jack and James for these great finds!

Jack getting 'royally' creative!

Mr Edward Hyde - Fabulous descriptive poetry!

Still image for this video
Parks class are studying the text Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Treetop Classic version). They were asked to create a piece of descriptive text about the menacing Edward Hyde!

Dahl Class Learning!

Books, Bones, Crystals and Nerfiplication!

Snapshot of Einstein Home Learning

Letter to my hero work.

Science Fair Creations
